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technical SEO Checklist

The Complete Technical SEO Checklist for Better Rankings in 2021

Improving your technical SEO is the first step in any complete SEO strategy. Ensuring that your website is in tip-top shape helps lead to more organic traffic, ranking keywords, and conversions. No matter what industry your brand or company is in, the principles of technical SEO have never been more critical. Google announced its Google […]

seo local business owners solutions houston

Local SEO Solutions: Tips to Improve Your Website Growth

Small businesses that operate on a regional, rather than a national, scale rely heavily on local SEO. Local SEO targets SERPs within a specific geographical area, while national SEO focuses on ranking across the country. Local marketing relies on marketing your brand, products, and services to local prospects and customers. A local SEO strategy will […]

how to drop a pin in google maps android

How to Drop a Pin in Google Maps on Any Device?

How to drop a pin in google map? With Google Maps, you can do much more than just find your way around. You can get public transportation routes and times, as well as customize your journey depending on your travel method. In addition, you can drop a pin at a location and save it to […]

website analysis

Most Prominent Ways for Website Analysis in 2021

We often talk about how important it is to focus on your project and not get distracted by others. That’s true. Even so, sneaking a peek at your competitors’ website analysis isn’t a bad idea, especially when it comes to getting feedback. New content can be written, new ideas can be gotten for what to […]

keyword competitor analysis

Best Ways to Do Competitor Keyword Analysis?

Best ways to do competitor keyword analysis? In any SEO campaign, keywords play a crucial role. By creating them, you can stay focused on what you create and make sure that your audience knows that you have the content they need. When creating business content, keyword research can help you determine which keywords to use, […]

direct response marketing

What is Direct Response Marketing? Techniques and examples

By encouraging prospects to take a particular action, direct response marketing encourages immediate response. In order to generate leads quickly, direct response advertisements must trigger immediate responses from competitors. Direct response, on the other hand, shows immediate ROI, unlike traditional marketing, which raises brand awareness and promotes brand image over time. The direct response can […]

sms marketing services

What is SMS Marketing & Why is it Important in Ecommerce?

SMS marketing can help brands establish genuine relationships with their customers. When you understand the types of text message marketing that are available for brand communication, you can optimize the channel and target your most engaged segments. What Is SMS Marketing?   The act of sending promotional materials via SMS is called SMS marketing. Send a […]

target audience

How to Find Target Audience on Social Media in 2021?

One of the most challenging aspects of marketing is defining a target audience. But once you identify your target audience, you can create campaigns that yield better results. Discover how to define a target audience and reach them through social media through this comprehensive guide. What is a target audience?  Let’s start by understanding who […]

the 4 ps of marketing

The 4 Ps of Marketing: What You Need to Know About Marketing Mix?

In order to meet marketing objectives, brands need to understand the marketing mix or the combination of elements they should use. All 4 Ps of marketing are involved here: product, price, place, and promotion. Digitalization has caused the standard methods and practices of nearly every industry to change and adapt in order to work within […]

Cost Of Customer Acquisition

What Is Customer Acquisition Cost & How to calculate it?

Customer acquisition cost (CAC) is the amount of money a company spends to acquire a new customer. By determining the cost of customer acquisition, a business can determine if the customer acquisition efforts are worth it. By combining the costs associated with converting sights into customers (advertising, marketing, sales personnel, etc.) and sharing that amount […]


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